Browse Items (19 total)
- Tags: Kett
Ketts Oak Tree
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Tags: churchyard, Council, David, Kett, Parish, permission, Stallard Reverend, tree
Church Kneelers
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John Kett
Mr John Kett retired in March 1978 after 26 years as Headmaster of Cawston School.
In a few words it is impossible to do justice to what Mr. Kett has meant and means, to the school, the village and the wider…
Changes Over 50 Years 1948 - 1998
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Youth Club
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Tags: 1950s, 1999, Allen, Arthurton, Audrey, ball, Banham, Barry, Black, Bob, Broadland, Carly, challenge, Club, Cook, Cousins, Daniel, Darren, Dewing, Fellows, Godfrey, Hayley, Jenny, Joe, John, Kett, Kevin, Lee, Luke, MacDonald, Mace, Mary, Mathrew, McCoan, Michaela, Molly, Neal, Oliver, Pamelas, Peggy, Phillip, pop, Rene, Robert, sayce, shreeve, Spooner, Steele, Sylvia, Tracey, Tubby, Waby, Walton, Whall, William, Wilson, Woodhouse, Wren, youth, Yvonne
Jimmy Payne - Church Farm
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Church - St Agnes.
Tags: Addison, Agnes, Ames, Baker, bell, bells, box, Bradburne, Browne, Bulwer, case, Cawston, chalice, choir, choirs, Church, clock, Cook, de la Pole, eagle, Farnham, fumigating, fumigation, glass, guilds, hammerbeam, history, Howard, industry, John, Kett, Kevin, King, lectern, Marsh, Mary, Maude, Mayhew, Michael.Yaxley, Noel, organ, organists, Oxburgh, Parish, photos, poor, record, Rectors, rectory, Robert, role, rood, roof, Rutter, screen, st, St.Agnes, stained, Stallard, Sylvia, weaving, window, windows, woolen
Cawston Heath (See File 2 for Heath Guide and Map inc History)
Memories of Cawston
War Times WW1/11 Memories/Diaries
Tags: army, atomic, Bill, Billy, bomb, boy, Carman, Dennis, Dewing, Douglas, Douglass, Eric, Felicite, Gordon, Hamley, Harding, Hiroshima, Hutton, Jack, John, Kett, little, memories, monsey, mother, notes, Riley, Robert, Royal, Sampson, service, Sonny, thoughts, times, Walter, war, wartimes, Wilkins, ww11
Cawston Village Sign and Name
Tags: 1977, Andrews, Bailey, Beryl, Bob, Booton, Cawston, Cawston name, Church, Clifford, close, Deeley, Doe, Fred, Howard, Jean, John, Jones, Jubilee, Kett, Mary, name, names, Norman, notices, Payne, Peggy, Pye, rd, Richard, road, Rounce, Sheena, sign, station, Tim, Village, Wells, White, yard, year