Cawston Heritage Society
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
The Heritage Society was pleased to put together a history display over the weekend in June in the Village Hall of photos and memorabilia of past Royal Celebrations.
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The Heritage room is at the Village Hall. To visit the please Contact Us to arrange.
“HISTORY IS ONLY A TICK AWAY” History & Photos Always Wanted. Please help us to collect and collate the history of our village. Please Click Here to contact us with details. Thank you.
We would like to thank Eastern Counties Newspapers and Mr John Kett for their kind permission to reproduce various articles on this website and to everyone who have also supplied material to the Cawston Historical Society for the Cawston Heritage Room.
Help us to Raise Funds: Click Here to search the net or shop on line at Easy Fund Raising.
The Society welcomes all volunteers please Click Here to contact us.
The Cawston Historical Society - renamed to Cawston Heritage in January 2023 was formed to obtain/collect the history of Cawston before it is lost.
The aims of the Society are to:-
Provide educational experiences for the local inhabitants of Cawston, Norfolk, and the surrounding area and anyone else interested in the aims of the Society.
Provide an archive with files, newspaper cuttings, documents, photos, objects, films, tapes, maps and history of buildings etc.
Holding meetings and sorting materials and for general interest.
Making history available for future generations and for research.
Hold exhibitions and other events to promote the Society and to illustrate past and present history.
Related Link: Historical Society/Cawston Heritage
Cawston Heritage Society is a member of the British Association for Local History. (Balh)