War Times/ Forces including Roll of Honour. Memorials. Home Guard. Memories and Photos etc.


War Times/ Forces including Roll of Honour. Memorials. Home Guard. Memories and Photos etc.

Collection Items

Incendiary Bomb and Certificate.
Incendiary bombs were filled with highly combustible chemicals and were dropped in clusters to spread fires....

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Lucky Strike Plane Crash.
Memorial at Booton Rd. In 1944, Cawston was the scene of a plane crash involving an American bomber.... In 1996 a memorial to the crew of the "Lucky Strike" was unveiled by its Flight Engineer, Jack Sasson.... Click on file to view full screen....

Home Guard
Home Guard:

Photo with Old Rectory in background.

Names reading from left:

Back Row: 4/ Don Radford. 5/ Jimmy Payne. 6/ Harrold Pratt. 7/ Tom Barker. 9/ Ernie Whall.
14/ Austin Clifford Roberts.
Second Row: 7/ John Long. 8/ Jack Delph.…

War Times WW1/11 Memories/Diaries
War Times Memories and Diaries By: See Files on right and as following:- 1/Fifty Years On by John Kett 2/Thoughts of a Wartime childhood by Robert Sonny Dewing 3/School War Times Notes 4/Second World War by Bill Sampson 5/Another Place &…

Airfields in the Cawston Area
Haveringland/Swanington +: When the second World War broke out, Haveringland Hall and its surrounding parkland was taken over by the Air Ministry.... Oulton: RAF Museum can be found at Blickling Hall with stories of the people who served as part of…

Roll of Honour and War Memorials<br /><br />
Lest We Forget
Roll of Honour for those who gave their lives for our country & War Memorials.

File 1/Roll of Honour WW1
File 2/Roll of Honour WW2
File 3/Lieutenant Cecil Faulkner Cawston - Boer War 1899-1902
File 4/ War Horses and Dogs
File 5/ War…

WW2 photos and Memorabilia
Memorabilia & Photos WW2 including POWs return home and The Red Cross....

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WW1 Photos and Memorabilia
Memorabilia and Photos WW1....

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Auxiliary Fire Service
The Cawston Auxiliary firemen with their Green Goddess appliance supported other services all over the Country which required water supplies, the service started during the 2nd World War in Reepham, moved to Haveringland and came to Cawston in…

Ex Forces Personnel
Not forgetting The Home Front who served in addition to their daily work - The Home Guard Local Defence Volunteers - LDV was original name of the Home Guard. The Red Cross Auxiliary Fire Service Related Link - Roll of Honourinc War Memorials etc

Arthur T Dewing
Served with honour and was disabled in the Great War.

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History/Photo Collection

Mother Riley
Second World War:- A very interesting piece is on the BBC website....

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Company Sgt Major W.J. Hutton
The Royal Army Service Cor (RASC) merged with transportation.... Also see Link: Hutton/Gould Butcher Click on file to view full page....

Jack Harding Wilkins
On leaving school, Jack entered the motor trade as a mechanic. By 1939 he was serving with the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment....

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Manor - WW1 History and Photos
Wounded in Battle during WW1, was shipped back to UK to Norwich hospital and then spent a month convalescing at Cawston Manor....

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Rationing WW11
Ration books and Buying Permit....

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Control Knob and Wheel Part from Lucky Strike
Control Knob and wheel Part from Lucky Strike plane crash....

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Air Crash While Filming
During filming for "A Yank in the RAF"....

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More info can be found at the Heritage Centre.

National Service Guide Book 1939
A guide to the ways in which a service could be given to our country....

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Rations book.
Rations A Very Peculiar History With no added butter by David Arscott....

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ARP Helmet
ARP Wardens: An organisation set up for WW11....

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WW11: Memories by Bill Sampson
Now the day war broke out, September 3rd, 1939, I remember it well....

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War Times including Zeppelins last visit WW1
Zeppelins last visit from the school exercise book of N. B. Howard age about 10 years.... Mr Charles Clements in his Memories of old Cawston read: Zeppelin Raids; One of the worst moments was when one of the airships cut its engines and drifted in…

Bomber Plane Crash WW11 at Bluestone Plantation.
Handley Page Hampden Bomber Plane 1941

WW11 Bomber Plane crash.

On February 10th 1941 a Handley Page Hampden bomber plane crashed into Bluestone plantation killing all the aircrew: Flight Lieutenant John Frutiger, Sergeant John Hill, Flight…

Pembroke Yeomanry Brigade
Billeting in Cawston at field now....

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Ointment Jar WW11
Stoneware Anti-Gas Ointment Treatment Jar for the armed forces and home guard....

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Eyeshields, Anti-Gas, WW11
Eyeshields Air Spray protectors, for instructions see package/file....

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Spectacles for Aircrew WW11
Anti-Glare Spectacles for RAF Aircrew....

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Forces Cap Badge Collection.
A collection of badges for forces caps....

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R.C.A.F. Ration Book
Royal Canadian Air Force Airmen's Canteen Cigarette & Confectionery Ration Book.

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Douglas Bros
Douglas Brothers and Extracts from WW1 Diaries. Children of Henry a Carpenter & Emma Douglas & having one brother & sister all of New Street Cawston.... Click on file to view full screen....

WW2 Gift to H.M. Forces.
Provide funds and to send gifts to our Prisoners of War....

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Wright, Ernest James.
Jim Wight: Private 5776863 6th Battalion. The Royal Norfolk Regiment.
Extraordinary survival behind the lines in Japanese occupied territory WW2.
Full story in the book "A Fearful Freedom" by Robert Hammond and is also in the book "Red Jungle" by…

A Fearful Freedom
This book is about the amazing survival story which tells how Jim Wright, a Norfolk gamekeeper's son, aged 23, managed to evade capture by the Japanese in WW2....

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Red Jungle
"Red Jungle" by John Cross, D.C.M which is a book about a tiny British party left behind in Malayato in 1942 to radio intellgence, they joined up with other British soldiers including Jim Wight....

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Memories 1914 – 1920s
In 1914 at the start of The War, soldiers on horseback went through the Street.... Click on file to view full screen....

Eric Monsey - He Died for His Country
Was killed in World War II....

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Another Place - Another Christmas
The night before Christmas Eve, dug in one side of a canal in Northern Italy,...

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Fifty Years On
World War Two affected everyone, from the youngest to the oldest and those who lived through those days have many and varied memories,...

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School Wartimes Notes
1899: December 18th:- Children collected 30/- for the Boer War Fund....

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Bert Stone
Forces Photos Pathfinder Squadron:

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Armistie Day 1918
Church photo on 11th November 1918 with the flag on the tower...

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HMS Cornwall
History of HMS Cornwall as told by David Reid in memory of Lieutenant David Savile Read - a relative, This was the same ship that Frederick Stanley Gaskin of Cawston lost his life....

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Reg Bishop
"I was asleep in my hammock before the torpedo hit Hecla. I remember the ship shuddering and coming to a halt. This was because the first torpedo hit in the boiler room and we lost all steam....

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Lived in…

RAF Christmas Card
Christma Card s as used by the RAF !940s

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